Episode 41: If it Bleeds, it Leads

As the smoke clears from the grounds of Woodstock 99 we dig up some of the juiciest quotes from the media fallout that followed the devastation. From John Scher to Sheryl Crow, it seemed everyone involved with Woodstock 99 had something to say about the way things went down. Also, as usual, we share some more absolute gems of Woodstock related info.

Episode 40: Rome is Burning: The Riots part 2

In their final report from the grounds of Woodstock 99, Parks and Ryan uncover one of the most horrifying incidents of the entire weekend as well as shed some light on what happened after everyone was booted from the festival grounds. While this episode in many ways could be considered our heaviest, there is also a very pleasant surprise at the end worth sitting through all of the arrest reports and evil-doers you will learn about. Also, it is our 40th episode, certainly a milestone.

Episode 39: Rome is Burning: The Riots part 1

We have reached the inevitable climax of Woodstock 99. This episode was so juicy we had to split it in two. We have some major bombs to drop on you, a third promoter, a secret stage, hard numbers on some of the financial losses, and lazer tag! NOTE: We delayed the release of this episode in order to give more attention to the civil rights crisis our country is facing. We felt it would be best to not share an episode about riots while there was actual riots happening outside on the streets of our cities for greater reasons than bottled water prices. Enjoy.