Episode 10: Are You Ready? – Day 1 part 5

The tenth episode of Podcast 99 is a milestone both for the Culture Dumps team and for Woodstock ’99, this is the first of the “Legends of Woodstock 99” series where we dedicate the entire episode to a single act. This time: KoRn. Need we say more? Heads up though, this one comes with some rough language and content warning for descriptions of sexual assault.

Follow us on Instagram – @podcast99
Email – podcast99official@gmail.com

Episode 9: No Boy Bands Allowed – Day 1 part 4

The hordes of fans are getting rowdier and rowdier in part 4 of our day one coverage. The sun is starting to set but not before The Offspring and Insane Clown Posse take the stage for unfortunately unforgettable performances. Find out why these two acts win the Podcast 99 award for “Most Theatrical Woodstock 99 Sets” and remember, NO BOY BANDS ALLOWED AT WOODSTOCK 99!

Follow us on Instagram – @podcast99
Email – podcast99official@gmail.com

Episode 7: The Great Psych-Out of Woodstock 99 – Day 1 part 2

Continuing our coverage of the first day of Woodstock 99 we go deep into Sheryl Crow and her legendary psych out, Buckcherry, Lit, and some interesting choices on the emerging artist stage. This is definitely an episode for the rockers, and remember, Monday turns to 8-ball.

Follow us on Instagram – @podcast99
Email – podcast99official@gmail.com

Episode 6: Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here – Day 1 part 1

The boys have finally made it to Woodstock. Join us as we begin our coverage of the first day of Woodstock 99. In this installment we cover sets by James Brown, Live, G. Love and Special Sauce, Umbilical Brothers, and more! It’s all downhill from here folks!

Follow us on Instagram – @podcast99
Email – podcast99official@gmail.com

Episode 5: Survivor Stories #1 – Tony B

After some technical difficulties, here it is: the first edition of “Survivor Stories,” where we interview an actual Woodstock 99 attendee. Tony B is a true rock and roll veteran with a lot to say about his experience at Woodstock 99. Join us as he regales us with tales of sneaking in, selling beers, and crowd surfing to safety. This is our first one-on-one encounter with a Woodstock 99 survivor and is not to be missed.

Follow us on Instagram – @podcast99
Email – podcast99official@gmail.com

Episode 4: The Calm Before the Storm

We have officially arrived at the Woodstock 99 festival! Join us as we discuss the pre-show that took place before the festival officially started. It was a day filled with forgettable bands and a night filled with questionable choices. Grab your sunscreen and get ready to rock out to Vertical Horizon, George Clinton, 3rd Bass, and more!

Follow us on Instagram – @podcast99
Email – podcast99official@gmail.com

Episode 2: Birth of a Monster

“You can’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been.” In this very groovy installment of Podcast 99 we dive deep into the history of the Woodstock festival from the original 1969 festival all the way through Woodstock 94.  Come with us as we explore the birth of a monster and remember, don’t take the brown acid… or do.

Follow us on Instagram – @podcast99
Email – podcast99official@gmail.com

Episode 1: Why Woodstock 99?

Welcome to the first episode of Podcast 99, our podcast about the infamous Woodstock ’99 music festival. There is so much to unpack here. Our main goal is to enlighten people on just how much of an incredibly bizarre event this music festival was.  Let’s just say everything did not go according to plan.
The first episode introduces you to our hosts as we explain why we are so fascinated by Woodstock ’99.  Into pop culture? the ’90s? nu-metal? shit going horribly wrong? Podcast 99 is for you.

Follow us on Instagram – @podcast99
Email – podcast99official@gmail.com