Episode 66: Survivor Stories: Nick

Nick is a Canadian Woodstock 99 attendee who seemed to have the best luck out of most of our survivors. Despite crowd surfing huge distances he always managed to meet up with his crew and managed to make it home in one dirt covered piece. He describes what it was like seeing hordes of Canadians flea the crowd to make room for Kid Rock fans as well as the difference between the George Clinton audience and the Korn audience.

Episode 64: Survivor Stories: Jen and Amy

This is one of the cutest and best survivor stories we have heard. Two gals enter Woodstock in search of killer tunes and good times and they find both, and then some! Jen and Amy are lifelong friends who wanted to come on the show to tell the world about their amazing weekend and to show that despite the general narrative of Woodstock 99, it was possible for two young women to have an awesome time. 

Episode 60: Survivor Stories: Matt L

Finally after almost a whole year we are back with another survivor story! This week’s survivor is Matt L.. Matt had a killer time at Woodstock 99 and hit many of the major checklist moments including Limp Bizkit, looting, the rave, and escaping with his sanity in tact. This is a perfect story to get us back into Woodstock 99 mode. 

Episode 53: Survivor Stories: Rob from Vancouver

Rob had a blast at Woodstock 99. He came down from Canada and saw his fellow countrymen The Tragically Hip but also saw Ryan’s favorite, Jewel. Rob from Vancouver also took what just might be the best photograph from Woodstock 99, a selfie with two guys dressed as Austin Powers.

Episode 52: Survivor Stories: Brooke

We change things up; Parks interviews a survivor for the first time. Brooke traveled all the way from Idaho to get to Woodstock 99. She had some great times and made some new friends, but the tone of her trip quickly changed from celebratory to one of caution. Brooke’s story is a first for PC99; she details some harrowing moments with some aggressive festival goers. She also happened to witness some pivotal moments in the chaos of the festival. This story is an essential listen.   

Episode 31: The Worst of the Worst – Day 3 part 3

Fair warning folks, we are covering the roughest two sets of the entire festival on this episode. We have been hard on bands before that might not have necessarily deserved it but in this episode all the blows are well deserved. We have Everlast repping white folks a little too hard, a doomsday cult that was featured on the Ice Age soundtrack, and the iconic Elvis Costello, who at the time was riding Austin Powers 2 fame. Be glad that we watched these so you didn’t have to.

Episode 29: A good start to a bad day – Day 3 part 1

We have made it to the final day of the Woodstock 99 music festival. What will prove to be the roughest day of the festival actually begins on a very mellow note. Willie Nelson takes the East Stage and brings some much needed 69 vibes to the masses. Don’t get too comfortable though, it’s about to majorly pop off.

Episode 28: Survivor Stories – Andy

In the latest episode of Survivor Stories Ryan sits down with Andy. Andy was a contributor to our live event and a survivor that stayed the entire duration of Woodstock 99. Not only did he go by himself but he was also sober! This is our most detail driven survivor story yet, it is also the most riot-centric. Buckle up and get ready to watch The Mask at Woodstock 99.